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Transformation! Evolution! Triple the grime!

As I've seen, keeping this blog updated to be even slightly interesting is nearly impossible for me - there ain't so many readers and my updates are usually not so big deal, I'm a slow painter and nowadays I don't have much time to paint and do modelling... So, the gods of the warp heard my silent wish and offered me some help. And the help comes in form of making few changes, major ones! Evolution!

I got an interesting email few months ago, and I was slow enough to read it three days ago. Ahem. I'm not slow or anything... gahh. The email told me that there's one hobbyist who would wan't to make cooperation with blogging, so the snowball started to roll...


This means that there will be not only one extra but TWO other talented painters and writers keeping this blog alive, and I hope the grime will triple during the cooperative blogging. It's possible that we will change the blog's name to something more suitable, and also the overall feel of the blog page will hopely change aswell. And when three painters join their forces, there will be more updating and more pics, more blabbering, more everything. more more MORE oh snap!

Goodbye Codfish Parings, welcome____________(<-blogs name)

I (or we) shall inform you about the change when the time's right.

Happy blogging everybody!

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