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Charlies Nail Art Review

Pearl Rivet Studs

Hello beautiful people. This post was long in the making as I kept putting it off!  I had no clue what was the best way to review these Rivet Studs from Charlies Nail Art, and was looking at them on and off every day. It wasn't until last night that it came to me and I knew what mani to do. 

For 39p you get 8 of the cream coloured studs. They are on the larger size than I've seen before, but equally pretty with a flat base to adhere to nails.

So I painted all my nails white and my ring finger pink, with striping tape I made thin stripes and painted with the other colour so pink on white and white on pink. Applying the studs with topcoat and added tiny dots on each stripe.

Although these are very pretty, and stuck firm to nails, they do stick up a fair bit, making them only wearable for a night out. But at only 39p you really can't go wrong. Use my 10 % discount code BNM10 at the checkout.

Look for Charlies Nail Art on Facebook,
Instagram and Twitter and till next time stay safe and much love....

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