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10 Easy Ways To Make Your Period Less Painful

Ouch! The agony of being on a period. No matter how many years have passed since you got your first period, your body doesn’t seem to acclimate to the pain. The horror begins from PMS and ends in irritation and exhaustion. Be it the tormenting cramps, the messy stains, the mood swings or the lethargy – everything boils down to dreading Aunt Flo’s arrival, month after month.

Now, what if we tell you that these menstrual disasters can be made endurable with simple lifestyle changes and smart hacks? Would you believe us? Well, no need to answer that. Try them and find out for yourself.

10 Easy Ways To Make Your Period Less Painful

Image: Giphy.com

Here are 10 uncomplicated ways to make your period less painful:

1. Track Your Period

1. Track Your Period

Image: Giphy.com

 Before you gather ammunition, it’s important to know the enemies’ arrival time. So, when this enemy charges, you are more than prepared. Get an idea of what the five days have in offering with the help of a period tracker. The PMS, bloating, lethargy, cramps, and heavy flow dates will intimate you what hacks to use when. There are many apps that will help you understand your menstrual cycle and time the pain relief solutions better.

2. Stay Hot

Agreed. You are hot. But we are referring to hot water bags and heating pads here! Pampering your cramped abdomen with a heating pad will comfort you during menstruation. It will also keep you cozy and help you sleep better. A hot water bag stimulates blood flow and relieves pain instantly.

3. Stay Active

3. Stay Active

Image: Giphy.com

 This might sound like a punishment, but a non-rigorous workout or calming yoga will help you shed the menstrual blues (or reds). Happy hormones called endorphins are released when we exercise. These hormones boost the energy levels and reduce the discomfort caused by cramps. That’s not all, regular workout during a period can work wonders for your mood. So, take a stroll in the park, indulge in simple yoga asanas, or just dance in your living room. No one will judge you; you are chumming, remember!

4. Caffeine Is The Culprit

4. Caffeine Is The Culprit

Image: Giphy.com

 Cut down on caffeine. You might consider it as your power potion, but caffeine retains water in your body, making you feel more bloated than ever. Giving up caffeine for a few days will also ensure you sleep better. And wake up happier!

5. Binge On Dark Chocolate

5. Binge On Dark Chocolate

Image: Giphy.com

 Finally! Something about being on a period that you will actually look forward to. Dark chocolate is loaded with magnesium. This will not just relieve your cramps but will also soothe your crazy food cravings. Pop in a piece of dark chocolate in your mouth and let the therapy work on you. Nice and slow!

6. Have Ginger Tea

 You can replace your coffee craving with a piping hot cup of home-made ginger tea. Mind you, this is not the readymade caffeinated ginger tea. All you need to do is add 2-3 pieces of crushed ginger to boiling water, flavor it with fresh lemon or mint leaves, and add a dash of honey to the infusion. Ginger is a superfood that treats abdominal pain, nausea, and inflammation instantly. Works like magic for all menstruation-related problems.

7. Play A Starfish

7. Play A Starfish

Image: Giphy.com

 But starfish has no blood! Precisely. That’s the reason we need to think we are starfish. Kidding! Relaxing in a starfish position reduces the pain of period cramps. Lie down on your back (on a hard surface) and spread out your legs and arms on either side. You will be surprised how relaxing this position is. A natural way to get rid of back cramps during menstruation.

8. Avoid Salty Foods

8. Avoid Salty Foods

Image: Giphy.com

 Just like caffeine, salty foods have the tendency to retain water in the body. Consuming too much salt when you are on your period will make you feel bloated and lethargic. So, say a strict no to junk food and opt for a healthy diet instead. Fruits and nuts always work.

9. Drink

9. Drink

Image: Giphy.com

 Fresh fruit juices and water. What were you thinking? Keeping yourself hydrated during menstruation will keep the bloating and lethargy at bay. Ample water intake accelerates digestion and stimulates blood flow in the body. A perfect recipe for making you feel energetic and comfortable.

10. Snooze Off

 Your body needs more rest when you are on your period. Make sure you get enough sleep to recoup the lost energy. Sleep all you want. Without guilt. And when you wake up from a deep sleep, you will be fresh as a lily.

We hope these simple hacks will make your crimson wave surf a little less painful and a little more easy. Try them out and thank us later. Let not ‘that time of the month’ pull you down. Remember, you are a warrior who bleeds yet wins – each and every time. Have a happy period!

The post 10 Easy Ways To Make Your Period Less Painful appeared first on STYLECRAZE.


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