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Romantic Times Hangover

Whoa. What a week!

I'm back from the Romantic Times convention in Kansas City, and taking a much needed recovery day. I had an absolute blast--a lot of YAY!  with a few moments of Oh, No!

1) Riding to KC in my new car
Me and Jess

YAY:  The car goes really fast, and we didn't get any tickets. Jessica Lemmon and I yammered the whole way.

Oh, No!:  That is one seriously long-ass ride. I mean LOOOOONG. And coming home was even longer.

 2) There were cover models

YAY: There were cover models.

Oh, No!: They can run really fast, and are hard to catch.

3)Stalking Andrew Shaffer and Tiffany Reisz

 YAY: Andrew wasn't really hard to find. He tweeted the whole conference, and didn't seem to miss much. We finally cornered him at the book signing.  If you look above, he even participated in the cover model procession across the stage. 

Oh, No!: Tiffany Reisz wasn't as easy to find. And when I did finally connect with her, she was hiding under the book table, trying to...Well, just look carefully at the picture below. 
 4) The hotel was haunted. 

YAY: okay, there's nothing yay about a haunted hotel, except it was fun to speculate about.

Oh, No!: The hotel room drawers wouldn't stay closed, and the elevator was a little weird about following directions.
My roommates, Maisey Yates and Jessica Lemmon, in the haunted elevator
 5) The interesting party favors from Ellora's cave

YAY!: um, they're interesting

Oh, No!: It's just a lava lamp, and it doesn't vibrate.

6) Meeting my internet writer friends: 
YAY!  Linda Grimes!

YAY! Christine Bell! 
 Oh, NO!: I didn't get pictures of everyone. I also got to have lunch with Suzanne Johnson, and I ran into ...Oh, hell. I'm not even going to try to list everyone I saw.

7) I met Jude Deveraux
YAY!: She was really nice, which is good, because she was my very first favorite romance author. 
Oh, No!: I couldn't think of anything to say. 

8) I got to hang out and chat with Ruthie Knox and Cara McKenna

Me, Ruthie, and Cara
YAY!: I love, love, love these women. So smart and funny and wonky

Oh, No!: I probably over-shared while we were talking about...stuff, thus ensuring my place in their "people to avoid next year" lists. I took out my verbal filters before RT and the replacements are on back-order. 

9) There was a secret BDSM starter kit included with the swag we collected. We had to kind of hunt through things, but with a bit of creativity and not much sleep, three romance writers can be very, very inventive.

YAY!: I have never laughed so much. We did a very clever little twitter photo essay.

Oh, No!: We might be the funniest people we know. When we tried to show people later, those who hadn't seen it on twitter, it wasn't quite as funny.
Maisey paddles Jessica with something that other people might use as a fan.
There is a lot of other cool stuff that happened that I didn't get pictures of, so the Yay is the fun stuff, the Oh No! is the lack of pictures.

We went to a party hosted by  Megan Mulry and Sasha Hananananannananarananan. I may have engaged in a bit of hyperbole with Sasha's last name. You might also recognize her as @caribbeanaccent. That was fun, and Sasha brought a lot of...interesting...treats from Trinidad. The pickled cherries are still confusing me.

I met a lot of my Entangled Publishing co-workers. I'm not going to try to list everyone, but I'm just going to say that I am so thrilled to be working with these folks. Liz Pelletier is amazing, and the people she has involved are awesome.

What else?  I met Landra and Riley Darkes.

I sat in the lobby at the same time as E.L. James. Okay, whatever. Jessica and Maisey got their pictures taken with her.

I got to hang out with my peeps from the Seymour Agency. Our author spotlight gala thing went really well, and meeting my agent, Nicole, in person, was wonderful. She totally rocks, and I am totally motivated to start earning us some money!

I'll probably share a little more about the trip as I recover from the cold that Jessica and I picked up for the ride home. Between the two of us, we went through most of a box of Puffs Plus between KC and Ohio. Grrrr.

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