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Passion flowers!

I've posted this on a passion flower forum I frequent, but readers of this blog might be interested in this as well. I've got an excess of plants to trade, and am hoping to increase the variety of my passiflora collection while helping others out at the same time. I prefer doing 1:1 exchanges for rooted plants or seeds, but will also consider unrooted cutting swaps and other arrangements. If you don't have anything to trade, drop me a line--I'm almost always willing to send out a plant or seeds in exchange for postage. I'm pretty easy going that way. :-)

Incarnata "Dwarf"
I don't know the provenance of this incarnata, but it's unusual. The flowers are 2"-2.5" across and darker purple than others. The fruit is smallish, between the size of a kumquat and a small plum. The vine is small as well, growing only about 10' in a season. An excellent candidate for a container-grown incarnata or if you have limited space for one. It suckers, but not aggressively. Rooted daughter plants available for immediate trade.

Incarnata "Georgia"
Classic incarnata type. Nice fat kiwi-sized fruit. Nice flowers roughly 3" across. Very fruitful. VERY strong grower. Suckers aggressively. Caterpillars can't even keep this one under control. Recommended for fence cover, etc. Decent cold tolerance as well. Rooted daughter plants available for immediate trade.

Incarnata "Texas Giant"
The prize of my collection. Huge 4" flowers. Very showy, very fragrant. The first photo was taken of the first blossom this year. Yes, those are the actual colors. Those intense blues have muted as the summer has progressed, and the flowers now more closely resemble last season's lavender-dominated blossoms (bottom right) although somewhat darker. Plant also sported one "Alba" blossom in May (see photo bottom left). So this one is definitely entertaining. Large tropical leaves. Drought tolerant. Fruit the size of goose eggs (see second photo). Strong grower. Does not sucker so readily as "Georgia." Growth habit is more linear, less "bushy." Rooted daughter plants available for immediate trade.

My first passion flower. Gorgeous 4" flowers. Very aromatic. Vigorous. Suckers readily. Mostly sterile, will occasionally produce 2" fruit if pollinated with caerulea or incarnata pollen. Fruit usually hollow, sometimes has one or two mature seeds. More cold tolerant than my incarnata, will regrow from roots if frozen back to the ground. Rooted daughter plants available for immediate trade.

Caerulea var. "Constance Eliott"
Pretty 3" white flowers. The orange fruit (red pulp) has a faintly blackberry taste to them, and are somewhat sweeter than my regular caerulea. Moderately vigorous, moderate suckering. Good cold tolerance. Rooted daughter plants available for immediate trade.

Pretty 3" flowers with a lighter blue color than other caerulea I've seen. Vigorous growth. Moderately vigorous suckering. Fruitful, but orange fruit are smallish and the pulp almost tasteless. Strong cold tolerance. Rooted daughter plants available for immediate trade.

"Lady Margaret"
Gorgeous flowers. Cross pollination with caerulea and Constance Eliott produce 2" green fruit with longitudinal striping. Fruit contains several mature seeds. Plant seems to like richer soil and more water than other passis. Cold tolerance unknown. No plants available, but I can either root cuttings or trade unrooted cuttings in short order.

Uncommon decaloba type. Highly variable leaves. Small yellow flowers, similar to lutea. More vigorous than lutea, but with less cold tolerance. Drought tolerant. Texas native. No plants available, but I can either root cuttings or trade unrooted cuttings in short order.

Incarnata seed
Seed produced by crossing the Georgia and Texas incarnata plants listed above. Fresh from this season, stored in moist sand in the refrigerator.

Caerulea seed
Seed produced by crossing the caerulea and Constance Eliott plants listed above. Fresh from this season, stored in moist sand in the refrigerator.

x colvillii seed
Seed produced by crossing the caerulea and incarnata plants listed above, both caerulea and Constance Eliott pollinated available. Fresh from this season, stored in moist sand in the refrigerator.

Dewberry "Rubus trivialis"
Okay, not a passion flower at all, but I've got a number of these--more than I can use--and am willing to swap. Drought tolerant.

Hopefully, I'll have more types available for trade later this summer, but this is a good listing of what I have immediately available.

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