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Not a recipe today, this is one of those restaurant visits where Gregg took me for my birthday meal in July.  I have been meaning to share it for a while now.  We love the people here who are always so welcoming and friendly.  The atmosphere is lovely too.  
I enjoy the décor and as we were there at an 'off hour' (past the lunch crowd), it was fairly quiet and I felt I wouldn't be disturbing anyone if I took a few photos.
There is a fountain right in the middle of the restaurant.
And isn't this a wonderful work of art?  It depicts the Mayan Calendar.  According to Wikipedia, "among their other accomplishments, the ancient Mayans invented a calendar of remarkable accuracy and complexity."  You can read more about it if you click on the red lettering.
I love arches, anywhere...
and this beautiful print of sunflowers, so cheerful!
A sculpture of the man with the horses, and the cactus.
Here is a more of a side view of that sculpture.
The young man who helped us overheard Gregg wishing me quietly a happy birthday.  I truly do not like to make a fuss.  However, at the end of our meal I saw several staff members heading to our table. There were no other customers around. My first thought was to look at Gregg with a quizzical look and a silent “did you?”!  Gregg gave me a “wasn’t me” kind of a look. One of the young people had a guitar and started strumming the happy birthday song with a Mexican flair. He played well and had a good voice, as did the others.  The pink hat was placed on my head and I was presented with a dish of ice-cream with a lit candle.  They all had big smiles on their faces. They clapped their hands all through the song, and at the end they all wished me a very happy birthday, as they had done for every customer who ever celebrated no doubt. But what I really appreciated was their genuine happy demeanor for it was as though I was their first birthday customer of the week.  

I gave my hat back and thanked them all very much, and I enjoyed my ice-cream, smiling broadly to Gregg as he knows I would run in the other direction at this kind of attention, but not this time.  With this and our son and daughter-in-law's visit that morning, it all made for a very enjoyable birthday.  I hadn't intended to go out but after saying later that afternoon, that I needed a new pair of ear buds for my iPAD, this restaurant was right across from the place we bought them and well, there you go.
The meal I ordered was a seafood fajita.  It was excellent!  

Gregg's meal was a plate of tacos.
A very special birthday meal, thanks to my dear husband who took me there, and to those lovely young people who sang me my birthday song.  
To finish off my post I found this online.  I used to love cutting out paper dolls when I was young.  I also enjoyed taking my colored pencils and drawing many of my own, and often made their dresses cut from old catalogs Mum gave me after she had finished with them. It was a favorite hobby.  Fitting in with my theme, I found this one of the famous Mexican Artist
Frida Kahlo
1907 - 1954

The first part of her biography (found by clicking on her name) reads:

"Frida Kahlo was a Mexican painter known for her many portraits, self-portraits and works inspired by the nature and artifacts of Mexico.  Inspired by the country's popular culture, she employed a naïve folk art style to explore questions of identity, post-colonialism, gender, class and race in Mexican society.  Her paintings often had strong autobiographical elements and mixed realism with fantasy.  In addition to belonging to the post-revolutionary Mexicayotl movement, which sought to define a Mexican identity, Frida Kahlo has been described as a surrealist or magical realist."

Thanks for looking and I wish you a great week!

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