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Assorted Daemons

Finished a group of Tzeentch and Slaanesh Daemons today. First up is a couple of old style Pink Horrors:Next is a group of 5 Screamers. These guys turned out better than I thought they would. The pic isn't the greatest. I've got to get a better place to take pics and a better light source.

Next is a Fiend of Slaanesh. Another one that turned out pretty good. I rather enjoyed painting this beastie.And lastly is the Masque:Next up is the last of my Daemons, a unit of Flesh Hounds. I would still like to get a greater daemon of Khorne and Slaanesh. I've also got Epidemius and a whole 2 Plaguebearers. I'm not going to paint these up till a get a whole lot more of them. Could be a while as they guys go for a pretty high price on Ebay and I'm not paying GW's exorbitant costs for a box of 5 guys when I need at least 20-25 of them.

Also had most of my friends over last night for a game of Arkham Horror. It didn't go well. We were pitted against Cthulhu itself and we fared pretty badly.

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