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Happy Mother's Day!

My sister and Mom trying to console me....

Dear Mom,

 Another Mother’s Day is upon us, although I don’t need a designated Hallmark day to extend what’s in my heart for you.

 We’ve had our ebbs and flows as life habitually does; moments we’ve been inseparable and times I’ve imposed distance between us as I’ve struggled to discover my wings and stand on my own two feet. At these times of aloofness, you cast a net beneath me with mounted undetectable tethers to hold me up.

 As your daughter, I’ve fragmented your heart a time or two when you’ve permitted me occasions to discover where I begin and you end. During phases of my life, I’ve separated myself as I’ve struggled with adversity and events of existence within this world but ultimately, you were at the end of the journey with outstretched arms.

 We share many commonalities cementing the bond between us: our love of ice cream, sports, board games, compassion for animals and enjoyment of reading. We have mutual deep empathy for others as well as attitudes toward life, including our strong relationship with God whom we allow to guide and direct our lives.

 Mom, you probably already know my intense love for you since I don’t need an occasion to express this to you. But if ever you doubt, I’m glad to nudge with a reminder-

Happy Mother's Day and I love you!

“The mother-child relationship is paradoxical and, in a sense, tragic. It requires the most intense love on the mother’s side, yet this very love must help the child grow away from the mother, and to become fully independent.”

By Erich Fromm

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