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Cold Gray Weekend

Before I begin the main part of this post, I wanted to ask for the prayers of any readers who are so inclined. The prayers are for long-time blogger Linda, over at Just Simply Linda. Her 23-year-old son passed away yesterday.  My heart breaks for her.  Please send her thoughts of love and offer any prayers you can.  Linda is going to need many prayers and much love for a long time as she grieves her only child.  💔🙏

Friday was a snowy day.  This was the school parking lot right after I got to work Friday morning.   It stopped snowing by mid-morning, but it was cold and icy all day.   Our absence rate was high on Friday.  I was told that a lot of kids just don't come to school when it is cold and snowy. Go figure.  I actually had to WALK to school when it was cold and snowy! Skipping school due to the weather was NOT an option. 

After school I went to our school district office to drop off certificates for the online class I had finished.  I have now completed 9.5 of 20 hours required!  I have started immediately on two more class. 

When I got home Friday, I exercised downstairs because it was too slippery to walk outside.  Charly slipped and fell TWICE during his morning walk on Friday, but he said the only thing that was hurt was his pride.  He and I had a very serious talk about him walking when it is icy outside and he promised me he won't do it again.  He will use our exercise equipment downstairs when the weather is bad.  

I made some potato soup for dinner on Thursday and we had the leftovers on Friday.  Soup, fresh salad and garlic bread are a favorite dinner for a cold, snowy day. 

Josh worked until past 9 p.m. making deliveries for UPS.  When he got home, Charly and I were on the couch watching Dateline - a favorite Friday night activity.   

Saturday morning dawned cold and icy, even though the sun was shining.  I nixed an morning walk due to the icy sidewalks, and Charly and I went over to our local Kohl's instead, where I used the rest of my merchandise credit and some Kohl's cash to finish the Christmas shopping.  

When we got home, we made a couple of deliveries to neighbors. We took a Christmas cactus plant and Christmas card to our new next door neighbor.  We also took a plant and a sympathy card to an older gentleman from our church congregation whose wife died a couple of days ago. 

Later in the afternoon, I took gifts to a couple of women in the church book club.  There might have been some Christmas books in the gift bags - after all - what better gift for book club friends than books!

I met up with my friend Lara for lunch at Zupas - our favorite place to meet. 

We had a nice lunch and a nice chat. I enjoyed my favorite - Italian Club on ancient grain bread. So yummy! This is my go-to sandwich at Zupas.

Later in the afternoon, Charly and I went to check out a couple of our favorite thrift stores, and then ventured out for a walk. There was still a lot of ice on the sidewalks, so we had to be super careful.  It was a gray, cloudy and cold afternoon. 

When we walked, I used my YakTrax, which worked very well, but we were still careful because there was a lot of ice on the sidewalks.  I have ordered some of these for my husband and made him promise to where them when he walks on cold, icy days. 

Sunday was another cold day. We went to church - both the main worship service (Sacrament Meeting) and the women's and men's classes. We had an excellent lesson on Letting Christ Write our Life Stories. Good stuff.  After church, I took a short nap, then got up and did some indexing of military muster rolls from 1939. 

Sunday dinner was this delicious slow-cooker potato casserole with  sauteed asparagus and spring mix salad.  

This is the recipe.  It was in a recipe book I have had a while, but until today, I had never made any recipes in it. The only changes I made to the recipe were that I added about 3/4 lb. pre-cooked ground beef and I used cream of celery soup because I was out of cream of chicken soup.  It was a delicious recipe that we all enjoyed and I will definitely make it again. 

I also baked some cooked from some refrigerated cookie dough I had. 

I exercised downstairs after dinner. Charly and I didn't walk outside on Sunday because it was still too icy for me.  

I did some reading before bed.  I put aside a crime/mystery/suspense book I was reading aside to get into the Christmas spirit with this book, Counting on Christmas by Trenton Hughes.  I hope to have this one finished later this week, and then I have one more short Christmas book on my "to read" stack for the month.  

I received some more pictures of the grandchildren from Virginia.   It always makes me smile to see their sweet faces and what they are doing.  

Ashley - the youngest, and the bare feet of one of her siblings.

Fun on the slide.

Daycare craft time. 

Family craft time.

Looks like busy fun. I was happy to see that my sweet granddog, Pearl was in on the fun. 

Here is the finished product. 

That's all for this cold, gray weekend.  I hope the coming week is a good one for all, as Christmas preparations continue.  May we all seek to have the love of Christ in our hearts as we celebrate His birth.  


"The Christmas spirit itself 
ought to be the mark of every Christian
 all year round. "
~J. L. Packer



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