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Review: Avon Jaliyah Advent Giftset

Hey Beauties!

A while ago I got this really pretty Advent Calendar from Avon. It's actually called Jaliyah Advent Giftset. It's one of the best advent calendars I've seen so far. Most of advent calendars are either skin care, makeup, hair care or chocolate oriented. But this one has a new piece of jewelry for every other day until Christmas. Brilliant. I love it, it has small dainty pieces great for every day wear. 

Advent Calendar comes in a paper box with pretty Christmas tree design and small windows, which hide different pieces of jewelry. Each piece is securely hidden. Longer necklaces are protected with plastic bag.

You can also open the box and see all of the pieces at once, but you would kind of lost the whole fun part with that. I did that for my review purposes, but only, when I already opened about 8 doors. You can see that all pieces are really dainty and pretty much classic with interesting pendants. 

I really like this and I wasn't expecting much. My personal style includes dainty necklaces and bracelets. I also like bangle bracelets and huge statement necklaces. It's really all or nothing with me. I also like to wear earring, but lately I haven't worn them as much. Since I got this calendar I'm falling back in love. 

Dainty jewelry is especially nice to pair with every day wear and style. It also looks great with over the top outfits, because it doesn't look too much. 

In the upper row you'll get three classic round stud earrings. You'll have a great range of silver, gold and classic pearl like earrings. These really go with everything. 

You'll also get snowflake silver looking earrings, bracelet and necklace. They all share this cute detailed snowflake design, which is perfect for this colder season. It will give you some extra sparkle to your outfits and makeup.

Next is also a set of three: earrings, bracelet and necklace with beautiful gold bow design. What can be more pretty and feminine? It looks like you're a gift and it suits all kinds of classic to girly outfits. 

You'll also get a set of earrings, bracelet and necklace with gold heart design. Hearts are again one of those pretty, still classic shapes, which will also suit most of outfits and makeups. 

I am one of those people who loves to wear gold toned jewelry and I am very happy, that most of it is gold in this set. Snowflakes stole my heart, especially earrings. I don't even care that they're silver. 

In total you get 6 pairs of earrings, 3 bracelets and 3 necklaces. Regular price is 25€, but you can now get it for 17.90€ (Slovenia), which is 1.49€ for one piece of jewelry. It doesn't get any better than that. I think the price is actually really affordable now. Sometimes one necklaces can cost you 15€ in some stores, so I find this to be a really good deal.

Jewelry is a mix of some metals, although it doesn't say which, so I can't tell you. It's obviously not real gold or silver.

I don't wear much of silver jewelry, because to me it always seems like it has to be paired with cool toned makeup or clothes. I paired these stud earrings with pink lipstick. 

Gold is my colors, because it looks apart with my yellow toned skin tone. I went for something more daring this time and I paired it with chocolate brown lipstick, which has been very popular this year. I think gold looks just as rich as those chocolate tones and they match perfect together. 

Pearl like stud earrings are a classic and as such, I paired them with the always classic blue toned red lipstick. You really can't go any more classy than this. 

Snowflakes set is a true beauty and the most intricate design out of all of these. It looks so pretty with any kind of classic or even more colorful wintery makeup. 

I had these earring in my Whimsical Wintery Makeup post.

Bow set is probably my favorite set of all these. I love bows and the fact that they're gold means I like them even more. It's such a pretty design and it really goes with a lot of different makeups. I still prefer it with something warmer. 

Hearts set is another pretty classic design. It does look a bit too girly and not really after my taster, but I can make it work, when I just wear one piece of jewelry. It's definitely more feminine or even girly and it softens any makeup look. I love pairing this with softer makeup looks for that romantic feel. 

The jewelry is well made and the clasps work good. I haven't had any problems with color coming off, especially from gold jewelry. All the necklaces are long enough to hand just around or above your sweater collar. I will say that bracelets are a bit too big for my super skinny wrists, but that means it has been developed with different sized people in mind, which is good. I can still make it work. 

The concept of this gift set is that you get a new piece of jewelry every month, although I have been treating it more as an advent calendar, so every new piece of jewelry every other day until Christmas. So feel free to get this for someone as a gift, because it's not just for Christmas. If you're one of those who loves dainty pieces of jewelry, I highly recommend you to get this one. The price right now is amazing and all designs are super pretty. If you think not all are for you, you can easily gift wrap the ones you don't like and gift them to others. This way you'll get something for yourself as well as your loved ones. 

Nekaj časa nazaj sem dobila od Avona Jaliyah Advent Set Nakita. Zdel se mi je eden najboljših adventnih koledarjev, ki sem jih videla letos. Večina adventnih koledarjev vsebuje izdelke za nego obraza, nego las, ličila ali čokolade. Nikoli pa še nisem videla koledarja z nakitom. Briliantno. Vsaj drugi dan nov kos nakita do Božiča. Tale koledar mi je zelo všeč. Vsebuje klasične kose nakita, ki so primerni za vsakodnevno nošenje.

Adventni koledar je v obliki papirnate škatlice. Na njej je dizajn božičnega drevesca in za vsakimi vrati se skriva nov kos nakita. Vsak kos nakita je varno shranjen za vrati. Daljše ogrlice so zaščitene s plastično vrečko, da se ne zavozlajo z drugimi kosi nakita.

Škatlico lahko odprete, da vidite vse kose nakita naenkrat.  Če tega ne storite, bo presenečenje še bolj sladko. Vsi kosi nakita so res zelo nosljivi in imajo različne zanimive obeske.

Set mi je zelo všeč, bolj kot sem pričakovala.  Moj osebni stil vključuje majhne subtilne kose nakita in sicer predvsem ogrlice in zapestnice. Rada imam tudi zelo velike statement ogrlice. Torej vse ali nič. Včasih sem veliko nosila tudi uhane, ki pa sem jih zadnje leto malo zapostavila. Odkar sem dobila ta set, sem jih znova vzljubila.

Majhen nakit je še posebej lep za kombiniranje z vsakodnevnimi oblačili. Izgleda super tudi z zelo kričečimi oziroma bogatimi outfiti, ker je dovolj neopazen oziroma ravno dovolj opazen.
V zgornji vrstici dobite tri klasične sete uhanov z kroglico. Ti so srebrni, zlati in taki, ki spominjajo na biserne uhane. Ti uhani res pristajajo k vsemu.

Dobili boste tudi srebrne snežinke in sicer uhane, zapestnico in ogrlico. Vsi kosi imajo ta čudovit dizajn snežinke, ki je prevej dodelan. Dizajn je perfekten za hladnejše dni. Vsaki obleki in makeupu bo dodal nekaj več.
Naslednji je zopet set treh:  uhani, zapestnica in ogrlica z čudovitim dizajnom pentlje. Kaj je lahko lepšega in bolj ženstvenega? Izgledali boste kot darilo in pristaja res vsem klasičnim in punčkastim oblačilom.

Dobili boste tudi set uhanov, zapestnice in ogrlice z zlatimi srčki. Srčki so zopet spet en izmed teh lepih, precej klasičnih oblik, ki pristaja različnim priložnostim.

Jaz sem ena izmed oseb, ki zelo rada nosi zlato obarvan nakit. Zato sem več kot navdušena, da ta set vsebuje več zlatih kot srebrnih kosov nakita. Snežinke so me popolnoma navdušile, kljub temu, da so srebrne. Še posebej sem navdušena nad uhani.

Vse skupaj dobite 6 parov uhanov, 3 zapestnice in 3 orglice. Navadna cena je 25€, ampak trenutno lahko set dobite že za 17.90€, kar je 1.49€ na kos nakita. Ne more biti boljše kot to. Cena se mi zdi zelo dobra za to kar dobite. Včasih lahko samo ena ogrlica stane že okrog 15€.
Nakit je mešanica kovin, ampak žal na embalaži ne piše katerih. Ne gre za pravo zlato ali srebrno.
Ne nosim veliko srebrnega nakita, ker se mi vedno zdi, da izgleda boljše zraven hladnega makeupa. Jaz sem moje uhane kombinirala z roza šminko.

Zlata je definitivno moja barva, ker se bolje sklada z mojim rumenim podtonom kože. Odločila sem se, da uhane kombiniram z malo drugačnim odtenkom šminke in sicer s čokoladno rjavo, ki je bila letos zelo popularna. Izgleda zelo bogato skupaj z zlato in meni se zdita popolna kombinacija.
Biserni uhani so klasika in kot taka sem jih kombinirala z vedno klasično rdečo šminko s hladnim podtonom. Nič ni bolj klasičnega kot ta kombinacija.

Snežinke so resnična lepota in najbolj detajlen dizajn izmed vseh. Izgleda čudovito z različnimi makeupi. Jaz sem jih nosila tudi v moji objavi Whimsical Wintery Makeup.
Set pentljic je verjetno moj najljubši set. Obožujem pentlje in dejstvo, da je nakit zlat pomeni, da so mi še bolj všeč. Gre za čudovit dizajn, ki pristaja skoraj vsem makeup izgledom. Jaz ga še vedno najraje nosim skupaj s toplejšim makeupom.
Srčki so še en čudovit klasičen dizajn. Zame izgledajo skoraj malo preveč punčkasto, ampak če nosim vsak kos posebej, izgleda čudovito. Je zagotovo bolj feminilen oziroma punčkast videz. Jaz srčke rada nosim z bolj lahkim makeupom, da doma videzu bolj romantičen občutek.
Nakit je dobro narejen in vse sponke delujejo odlično. Nisem imela nobenih problemov z izgubo barve, še posebej z zlatim nakitom. Vse ogrlice so dovolj dolge, da visijo ravno okrog ovratnika puloverja. Zapestnice so resda prevelike za moja majhna zapestja, kar pomeni, da so jih ustvarjali z različnimi velikostmi v mislih. Še vedno jih lahko normalno nosim, samo so bolj viseče.

Koncept tega seta je, da vsak mesec v letu dobite nov kos nakita. Jaz sem ga vzela bolj kot adventni koledar, kjer vsak drug dan do Božiča dobim nov kos nakita. Tudi, če je advent že mimo, si lahko brez problemov kupite ta set. Lahko ga odpirate skozi vse leto. Cena trenutno je zelo dostopna in dizajni so čudoviti. Če vam kakšen kos nakita ni všeč, ga lahko kreativno zavijete in podarite komu od bližnjih. Na ta način boste kupili nekaj zase in prav tako obdarili še nekoga drugega. 

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