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I did a make up swap and here is how it went.

So this is me!

I work with some very talented people. Myself and another girl have been talking about doing a make up swap for ages now. she has a total different make up style to me. She prefers a more glam look where as I am more barely there and colourful.

She did my make up on Thursday!

I was really surprised and I love it. I really love it. I was a bit worried that I would come out with heavy base or pink girly lipstick but this is really lovely. I would totally wear it out.
 I don't think I quite have the patience to do it myself. I think my own make up is a bit slap it on, run out the door.  I loved my brows the most. I am struggling with my own brows at the moment due to my hair changing color. I am convinced the brow pencil I am using is too dark however I am using it so I use it up. I bought three Spiked brow pencils for my kit when I started working in Nottingham. I've never used them!!!
I normally just use powder or I comb the natural hair into place using brow gel. I don't use the heavy pencil. So I need an excuse to use the pencil. Kelly used True Brunette gel from MAC on the brows with Lingering brow pencil underneath.
 This is the make up in a different light. I managed to get the best lighting upstairs! hahahah! I really love this look. My base went from the lightest base (c1 Face and Body) to a full coverage (c15 studio fix)
However I did have to take my make up off before we started. Kelly insisted we take a before photo. I look a bit dopey in this one! mind you, it was the best of a bad bunch! haha! I felt very glam with the make up on. I felt pretty bad that I wasn't going out anywhere. I had to come straight home and remove it as I was going for a run. I felt a bit guilty.

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