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UP UP AND 25!!!

SO...today is my 25th birthday and probably the last year I'll be so open about my age. As I think about making a conscious effort to be more mature and responsible, I also think about my sense of style. Sometimes I wonder, does my style suit my age?...And if it doesn't, now being 25, it have to 'ketchup'(catch up) now more than ever. I predict that in this 25th year, my look will tend to be more classy, still edgy but definitely a bit more girly. That's what my 25 year old fashion sense is saying to me. Lots of high waisted skirts, flared dresses, bustiers....What is your age saying to you? Sometimes we need to make sure that our style reflects our age, this is important for men as well.. not saying you need to get boring with it, that is a definite no-no! but, wearing your size is just as important as wearing your age...

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