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Lindsay Lohan will be tried again

Lindsay Lohan will be tried again?

It was a bad girl Lindsay Lohan again in a heap of trouble with the law. It will be judged as the culprit of the accident - on his Porsche girl managed to enter the truck.

Accident occurred when the actress rushed to the shooting of the film "Liz and Dick" in Malibu - in a hurry girl topped put on the speed of the track. In this case, Lindsay police lied and tried to pass himself off as a passenger car, arguing that the wheel was her companion - apparently it previously had no criminal record, accordingly, he could not shake as much trouble. But that's not all - in her purse Lohan cops found a pill that, among others, were also scattered in the trunk of the car. The final piece, "still life" - a bottle of water, from which reeked of alcohol for some reason, and there is a quite typical picture of Lindsay.

In Lindsay Lohan filed a lawsuit against the driver of the truck, in which it has managed to blend. The man claims that he got tight and demands compensation for the physical and moral damage, the amount of which is not yet known.

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